Happy Monday!
The start of the week is a fabulous opportunity to set your intentions and also to see what needs to be accomplished and tackled. However sometimes we lose track of the smaller moments in which we view to be inconsequential to the grander image of our lives. But it is so important to take time to take stock and also to refuel your mind and body so that you are clear and energised. Making sure to mark out time in which you can do this is integral, and it doesn’t have to be a whole day of pampering (no matter how much we wish we could!) Grounding yourself through mindful practices that serve you in a holistic way are incredible boosts to helping you along your way.
These can range between simply taking 5 minutes in the morning to map out your day, to setting aside an extra hour to do some yoga, meditate or simply sit with a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy a bit of silence. By introducing more mindfulness into our lives we allow ourselves to set the tone for our week, and also to take back our control over our reactions to external pressures.
Being grounded and remaining aware of those things that enable you to really focus by removing the tension and heat of our modern lives is so vital to your personal and professional success. Find practices that really sing to you and that allow you to properly be involved and invested in the tasks and people you are surrounded by. It is in the silence between the great leaps that we develop our most resilient and powerful selves. When we take this view we can come to understand the real importance of caring for ourselves in every way.
Remember as you go into your working week that you have an incredible power to catalyse positive change by your actions. Therefore, prepare your toolkit, do the ‘hard’ work and realise your potential! You never know how taking a few moments to just ‘be’ will improve your week and boost you to your next level.
Sending love and light,