As another abundant and prosperous week rolls into being we are reminded of the things that make up a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.
Oftentimes we focus on the physical aspects of what make up our overall idea of health, going to the gym, drinking clean water, eating wholesome food and getting enough time outdoors are all such important factors that play into our overall happiness and vitality. But we often forget to acknowledge the huge importance of those things that make up the smaller and less discernible parts of our day.
From the moment we wake we are bombarded with messages, adverts, notifications, emails, reminders, alarms and anything else vying for our attention. We are under a constant barrage of other people’s wants and needs and it can feel like we are constantly in a battle for our own space and time
For many people their morning starts something like this:
Wake up to a blaring alarm clock, gulp back espresso or a caffeinated drink, tackle their daily commute, listening or reading to the morning news. They then arrive at work feeling harassed and overwhelmed, jittery from the coffee and low from whatever media outlet has been feeding them information.
However it doesnt have to be this way. Our minds are incredible things and as the saying goes “Where the mind goes, energy flows”. We are directly responsible for our actions and reactions to our world and it is there that true health and vitality lies. Health in that sense is above, down, inside and out. It is in everything that we consciously and unconsciously consume on a daily level. That is why you must be so aware of what you are putting in your body in a physical sense (food, water etc.) and also in a mental or emotional sense (the news, aggravating media and negative thought patterns)
You have an unlimited potential to create the world you wish to live in, to curate a life that suits your wants and needs and most importantly a life that emanates with everything that you want to be as a person.
So this is our offering to you, create a daily practice of consuming mindfully. Carefully select what it is that you want to allow into your life. Sort through the things that give you joy from the things that suck your power and energy. Give favour to those things that nourish you and align with your beliefs. You are capable of so much joy and are able to do anything you dream of, if you only make the environment right for your mind to grow.
Good luck and Much Love,