Another glorious week is upon us and we have a feeling it is going to be a good one!
Have you taken time to check in with yourself recently? This is such an important activity that should occur at least once a week. It gives you the time and the space to really acknowledge how you are doing. Emotionally, Mentally and also Physically. Now, we aren’t just advocating a simple check of the to-do list. We are looking at really, truly, checking in and seeing how you can help yourself to feel more grounded, secure and productive.
A simple activity could be sitting down with a cup of tea for 10 minutes today and answering these 5 Questions:
1) How do you feel? (Emotionally and Physically)
2) Is there something that you want to do this week just for you?
3) What are 3 things you can do today to take a bit of pressure off.
4) What is one thing you did last week you are proud of.
5) What is your inspiration for this week? (Mantra, Quote or even just an emotion you want to carry through for the week)
Setting an intention for your week but also acknowledging the things you’ve achieved and want to focus on is a powerful way to really refine how you go about your week.
Good luck and Much Love,