Welcome to 2020! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and are feeling rejuvenated and ready for another fantastic year.
Ringing in the New Year comes hand in hand with resolutions and goal setting. Now we love setting goals and becoming more aware of the ways in which we are able to support our growth and path to our dreams. But one thing we have noticed this year on social media and amongst our peers is the movement away from set ‘goals’ and a greater pull towards having a central focus to determine your actions throughout the year.
This deviates from usual practice as it firstly encourages you to more holistically assess how your life is travelling in the present. It directs you away from fixating on a single outcome and gives us all a greater breadth of experience. Secondly it enables you to continually adapt to changes in circumstances and desires. The fixed nature of goal setting for many people hinders their progress. They can feel trapped and unable to succeed as they become overwhelmed by the constraints placed upon them.
For example, instead of setting many small goals to gain better health and fitness, phrasing your intention or focus of the year to be one of health and vitality will naturally draw you towards activities and challenges that embrace that.
We encourage you to take a moment to sit with this idea and see what comes up for you. Find some quiet time and mull over the feelings you are carrying into 2020 and what you wish to achieve. Invariably a word will pop into your head and this could be your focus! Make sure to chat to a trusted loved one about this (if you feel comfortable), as we often find our most clarity through discussing our ideas and feelings with those we love.
Of course having a set list of goals is incredibly useful, but we feel that perhaps having a core focus or intention for the year, upon which you can build your experience can be far more kind in the long run.
Let us know your thoughts, do you have a core intention for this year?
Much Love,