Another wonderful week has arrived and as we look at our to-do lists and planners it is important to check in and see how you are feeling about the way you ‘balance’ your life.
Of course achieving balance can be seen as a daunting task, but we like to think of it more that we are applying our energy to the areas that serve us the most. Spending less time on things that do not bring us joy and focusing on the aspects of our life that lift us.
A great way of establishing your ‘life balance’ is using a tool such as the one below. By maintaining a constant and gentle awareness of the things that take up your time you can manage your happiness in a way that is servicing your dreams.
All you need to do, is review the sheet and rank where you feel you are in the different areas of your life. By having a visual cue for all the things that make up our day and seeing how you split your time between them you are better able to understand exactly what it is that you need to do in order to achieve more flow and ease in your life.
This can also be a wonderful motivator in introducing new and exciting experiences into your life. When we see the ways that we perhaps need to change our routines we can see where we can inject a bit more light into our day.
Maybe you have fallen into a bit of a creative rut, by seeing your time spread and the ways you prioritise things can encourage you to really hone in on exactly what it is that you love doing and the things that may need a bit more attention.
Keeping an open mind about how you can better yourself is also so important as it gives you the flexibility and freedom to truly remain in a constant state of growth.
We hope that this tool is of some use! Let us know if you use it and how you may be switching things up this week,
Much Love,