We live in a magnificent world of numerous choices and unbound potential. However it can be said that often we get lost in the choices and options we have in our day to day life. Moving between a hundred different movies to watch on streaming websites, to deciding what to have for dinner or even having numerous choices when making a huge decision like choosing a profession. We can get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and it can be difficult to determine what is the best solution.
Sometimes it is better to just simplify things, to narrow down the choices in your life to the things that you want to spend time deciding on. Creating routines and systems in your life can be a wonderful way to tackle the feeling of ‘too much’ and can give you a chance to breath and evaluate what needs your attention.
For example, one simple hack can be creating a meal plan for your family. Understanding what is going to need prepping and even just what is on the menu for the day can really take a lot of the struggle out of daily or weekly preparation. By premeditating different choices and planning ahead of time you are freeing up more time in the present.
On a much more internal level, limiting the choices you have to make with regards to dealing with personal conflicts or even maintaining healthy habits is integral to your overall happiness. Making time every day to do yoga for 10 minutes for example enables you to remove the choices involved in dedicating time to exercise and be with yourself. If it simply becomes a part of your routine there is no choice involved.
Furthermore creating a life that is congruent to your personal beliefs and ideals will further safeguard your time from unnecessary decision making. By filling your life with the things that you love and spending time eliminating the things that sap your energy, you are bringing a greater focus to yourself.
Why not take a moment today to list out all the things you have to decide on in a daily schedule. Really evaluate whether these things should indeed be taking up your time and if not, then let them go. Try and figure out what it really is that you need to be spending time and effort on and release those things that are simply there as clutter.
Once you begin to ‘streamline your life’ and making time for the things that make you whole you will see a complete change in the flow of energy and happiness in and out of your life.
Learn that your time is precious, and treat it as such.
Wishing you a wonderful week,
Much Love,