Do you often find yourself getting overwhelmed and upset over small moments? Or rather do you get angry at yourself for loosing your cool at something that really shouldn’t warrant such a reaction. Following such an outburst it can be easy to overanalyse and fall into a guilt trap. “I am a terrible mother, I shouldn’t have snapped at them like that.”, “My husband was only doing what he thought was right, how could I be so mean.”
In moments like that it is important to remember one thing- patience. Take time to be kind to yourself and understand that as we are all imperfect and human it is completely natural to boil over from time to time. Some wonderful techniques to catch yourself before you run into a precarious situation is breath work. When you feel anxious, angry or on the verge of saying something you know you will regret, stop, take a deep breath for a count of 4 hold for 2 and exhale again for a count of 4. Really focusing on that exhale breath and extending it for as long as you can. Repeat as you need and focus on the tempo of your breath.
Creating a bit of space in the moment can really grant some wonderful perspective and lead us to reacting in a way that is more genuine to who we are. Remember we all experience this world differently, your frustration or anger may come from a place of not understanding the other person’s perspective and life story.
You are a kind and generous person, never feel guilty for not having it all together sometimes.