Often the hardest thing about pursuing your dreams is having the courage to do so. We often push the things we love aside in favour of existing in this world. However we always have that thing calling to us, that deep inner purpose that is always there but often silenced. What would happen if you let your dreams come into your day to day life. If you sat down to pursue your dream career or trained for a race. You were put here to live your life and exist in a way that contributes positively and make changes to the way the world is and works.
It is, of course, easier said than done. We may feel selfish for pursuing the things we love instead of secure roles. But if you were advising a friend on the same point, would you not want them to be happy? It is the small things we do every day towards our ultimate goal that allow us to reach it. Some days you will be phenomenal, you will reach above and beyond what you thought you were capable of. Other days you will stumble, perhaps you will fail. But that is the joyous road towards your dreams.
Remember, the most important thing you can do for yourself is take that first step. Walk out into the unknown and open up to the universe.
Much Love,