"Like the Moon, I'll be different tomorrow"- Spirit Daughter

Today you may feel awful. It may have been a hard couple days and you could feel run down or breathless as you tackle your never ending list. But find solace in this simple fact: tomorrow is another day. Another opportunity to find your feet and flourish.

We can find ourselves getting caught up in feelings of dread and despair as we watch our lives cartwheel around us. Obstacle after obstacle may arise and you continually rise to the occasion. But that is just it, you will continue to grow and change. Life will bring beautiful happiness and moments of hardship but each and every day you will evolve.

Try and focus on the here and now, look at the blessings available to you and marvel in them. You are ever changing and adaptable, nothing can stop you on your journey except yourself. Use the darker moments as fuel and light up the world with your passion and determination.

We hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you, good luck.

Much Love,