We have all at some point wished that we could just be better. Going for a run that you had aimed to conquer 6 miles but you only managed 2 miles. Or trying to nail an assignment at work or at University only to find you passed by the skin of your teeth. Disheartened you lean into your sense of guilt and self loathing, whilst forgetting one fundamental truth- You tried.
We lose that sense of pride in ourselves when we try something. Whether it be something we have done a million times or for the first time. The simple act of attempting anything out of your ordinary. Recently a friend of ours went on a training run for a race they are doing later in this year. Starting out they were fine, keeping pace and their mind was clear. However the further along she went she started having doubts. Her mind began racing and she realised she was sabotaging her own efforts. That she had lost the focus on the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other and was starting to let her ego get it’s talons in and rip her morale to shreds.
Now two scenarios could arise from this:
1) She could give up. Face a blatant lie that she is not good enough and trash the whole thing.
2) She could look her self doubt in the eye and acknowledge that she is but only part of the way along this journey. That right now she needs to learn to get out of her head and listen to her truth.
We are all faced with those questions and realities. In whatever we do be it at work or at play, there will always be self doubt and a lack of assurance that we can even do the thing we are wanting to do. However the greatest gift you can offer yourself is to try. Get out there and do it. Fail a few times but remember that it is part of the process.
We hope this offers you a little bit of inspiration for your week ahead.
Much love,