We often look at others as a point of comparison to see how we would like our lives to be, or as a guidance for the path we wish to take. However we invariably see the end result. Rather than the working moments that precede the beautiful shift. You, yourself are experiencing your own journey to your most vibrant self. You are at a certain point along that path and those you admire may be at a different stage of theirs. However you cannot judge yourself based on what another person has or is doing.
As with everything we must value the process, even more so than what we view at the end. For it is the things that we go through that shape us most monumentally. Every day we are faced with challenges. Whether they be small hurdles or large life altering moments. But each and every one mounts together to create the life we lead and the person we are.
Next time you find yourself judging your life based on another person, take a moment to consider this. You are an individual. A person with a beautiful experience of the world worthy of appreciation and celebration. You cannot mirror your life based on another person because you are not them, and you have your own gifts to share with us all.
We wish you a beautiful week ahead of you and hope that this gave you a bit of inspiration.
Much Love,