In the pursuit of our goals and dreams the single most important person that we need support from is ourselves. Quite often we fall into the habit of relying on others as our support system without fully believing in ourselves. However, the only person who is 100% impacted by us achieving or not following our dreams is in fact, us.
So, this is where we urge you to be selfish. To wholeheartedly embody your dreams and listen deeply to what your inner voice is calling for. Do you need to put yourself before another person sometimes in order to achieve all that you wish to achieve? Taking time throughout your busy day to check in with yourself and ask “How are we doing today?” can be a hugely empowering thing. What it does is it brings the attention back the the fact that you are indeed steering this ship and that the direction is yours to choose.
We know that for many of you, letting yourself fall into your own being is hard. Learning to let go and allow yourself to focus on yourself instead of constantly being distracted by others is an immense challenge.
But unless you are completely focused, understanding and invested in yourself you may never achieve your dreams. We believe and hope, that this allows you to see that you need to be your own best friend, cheerleader and constructive critic.
Have a wonderful week,
Much Love,