Happy Monday! With the dawn of a new week we find ourselves feeling recharged and ready to launch ourselves into our goals. This past weekend we were reminded of the importance of taking risks in the pursuit of something that is truly meaningful to us. Jumping headfirst into the dreams we have is incredibly daunting and may take a few false steps before we are truly willing to surrender. But once we do, incredible things happen.
Often our default is to accept a state of comfort, as we discussed a few weeks ago on the blog. But learning to rewire our brains and accept that true growth and achievement comes out of a place of the unknown can be the real challenge. For many people a risk can be simply accepting and vocalising the dream life we have in mind for ourselves and our family. Learning to open up and manifest can be a daunting task but is integral in the early stages and throughout our journey. But once we have overcome that hurdle we can begin to prepare ourselves for the larger risks, those things that truly set us away from our usual expectations and invite us into the depths of our potential.
Remembering to allow this and to truly own the challenge can be hard. We can wrestle with our self worth and second guess our abilities as we may feel unworthy of our lofty goals. But once we allow ourselves to sit within the truth behind our purpose things become a lot more manageable. Like the Lion in the ‘Wizard of Oz’ the courage we need is more than likely within us already, we do not need someone else to grant it.
So this week we urge you to take risks for your happiness. Allow yourself to really own your journey, the past and your future.
Good luck and Much Love,