Happy Monday! Another bright, fresh and vibrant week is ahead of us.
We have previously spoken about the power of an inspiring morning routine but we just wanted to touch on this idea again as we are approaching Spring and Summer.
A morning routine can be an incredibly powerful way of reinforcing healthy or mindful habits and encouraging personal growth. Now, this looks different for everyone. Some people may find clarity in a morning revolved around meditation and yoga, whilst others just need to sit with a cup of tea and watch the sun rise.
Whatever it may be, your morning is a wonderful time to reconnect and energise for your week. A simple tool to establish ways you can bolster your morning is by listing 5 things you want to achieve by the time you head off for work, but also identifying why you wish to achieve them.
Having a ‘why’ for anything we do reinforces the longevity of it and can often be the thing that keeps us coming back to it. This can apply to anything, from going to the gym to eating healthy. All of the actions we take in our day to day lives should have a powerful why to make us excited to undertake them.
What are some things you would like to achieve in your morning? Let us know!
Much love,