Another glorious week is upon us! We are so excited for this new season and have enjoyed feeling the shift in the weather.
One thing we are looking into this week is the idea of listening, to others but equally to yourself. Oftentimes we don’t take time to listen to exactly what our soul is asking for, we sideline the things we desire or that would nourish us fully.
Ways to recognise that you need to begin serving your needs more are:
1) Taking a moment to write down 3 things you feel you may be neglecting in your life. That could be because of time constraints but if you begin to let go of the things you love you may start to resent the situations or people that get in the way of that!
2) Be open to the signs. The universe is an immensely powerful force. We are constantly receiving messages and cues leading us towards our higher and more vibrant selves. Take a moment to notice these signs and their frequency, often it will lead you to ways you can really celebrate your life and heighten your experience.
3) Be mindful of how you speak to yourself. We are all culprits of negative self talk , but it is a huge weight to carry when you are on your journey. Acknowledge the moments that you are particularly harsh towards yourself and open up a dialogue. Why do you say these things and how can you ensure that you work towards lessening and removing that kind of attitude towards yourself.
We hope that you have a beautiful week, full of growth, happiness and light.
Much Love,